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In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

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Design for Mood

In this class, we have explored several aspects referred to the concepts of emotions and design. One goal of this class was to examine approaches connected to design and emotions such as “Design for Well-Being”, “Positive Design”, “Emotional Design”, “Happiness”, “Human-Centered Design”, “Human flourishing”. Furthermore, we have explored different design research methods to conduct research.

Design for Mood: Twenty Activity-Based Opportunities to Design for Mood Regulation

Author: Pieter M. A. Desmet

Year: 2015

In this paper, the author explores the possibilities of designing for mood. He discusses the existing research and products developed to regulate mood by measuring it, adapting to it, expressing it or influencing it. His aim for the paper is to introduce a framework for designers to be able to efficiently design for  mood by focusing on the users' long term subjective well-being. For this purpose he proposes 20 activity based strategies for mood regulation to inspire design intervention.


Maria Huma - Designing for mood poster.pdf PDF Maria Huma - Designing for mood poster.pdf


Maria Huma - Review Paper - DW.pdf PDF Maria Huma - Review Paper - DW.pdf

Ein Projekt von


International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Keine Angabe


foto: Alberto Iberbuden

Zugehöriger Workspace

WIS Design Theory: Emotions and Design. The role of emotions during the design process


Wintersemester 2020 / 2021


2 Kommentare

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Lovely poster!!!!

Brilliant Maria!