In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre
In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre
The Site is located in Lutherstadt Wittenberg and is recognizable through its unfinished and missing brick architecture. In my two years living around this area, I have just once seen children play there, there rest of the time this is just a walkthrough-area. And this is because I believe it is a unclear location, so people don't know how to behave there. With at least three schools and two kindergardens in close proximity, it would be the perfect place for a child-space.
The goals were to revitalize a location, to create a place for children and adults alike and last but not least to let people develop and explore on their own terms. Because children are part of the target group, I wanted to design a playground, but I stumbeled into a problem: Everybody knows what a playground looks like. It's a boring way to keep children occupied through monoplaygear, that are designed to have only one direct use. The concept is a climbable landscape, that encourages exploration and finding an own way of usage or just a place to run wild.
The rendering shows a rocklike structure, with a peak overlooking the whole site in one corner and a smaller peak in the opposing corner. Between both is a valley going sublevel. This way its not only possible to experience an elevated view but also get a feeling for depth. The smaller peak includes a trashcan and a bikestand to improve the quality of life around the place. To illuminate at night, two floodlights are placed on two sides of the place and paint a new picture through shadows.
It is not only a place for children to run wild and explore, take their toys to or just chalk it up, it is also an interesting site now, that if you see it from afar, you would be inclined to walk up there and explore it for yourself. In the end, climate change is changing and shaping our every day life,so lets start by telling kids, that mountains are constantly changing due to earth warming and melting glaziers, opening up cracks and creazes.