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LUNCH-BOX-TOGETHER Preparing Office Lunch Time Digitally

LUNCH-BOX-TOGETHER Preparing Office Lunch Time Digitally


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My intervention is based on the thesis of the Social Office. This thesis has generally received very positive comments from experts.

„The office is changing its role into a social meeting place. Deep Focus Work and administrative work take place mainly in the home office. Instead, you go to the Social Office“ for socializing and teamwork, as well as for creative activities.“

„Das Büro wandelt seine Rolle zum sozialen Treffpunkt. “Deep Focus Work„ und administrative Arbeiten finden überwiegend im Home Office statt. Ins „Social Office“ geht man stattdessen zum Socialising und für Team Work, sowie für kreative Tätigkeiten.“

Problem Definition




Lunch-Box-Together is a hybrid meal preparation system serving social offices that include digital and physical meal preparation. In the first stage of this system, social office employees use the application specific to this system to digitally prepare food. This service involves employees in the social office with other employees in an informal socialization environment.


In the background of this application there is the Lunch-Box-Together company that prepares, cooked and carries the food that the employees of the social office prepare in the digital environment in a physical environment. These lunches are prepared in the kitchen of Lunch -Box-Together company every day and brought to the social office.


First of all, each employee has a profile and each employee has status on this application as in the workplace, they gain this status with the frequency of using the program. And thanks to this status, employees occasionally receive promotions and gifts from the company.

Employees can then create digital kitchens with groups of their choice by creating invitations or joining existing groups. In addition, if they want a random meeting environment they can create a random digital kitchen by choosing from the daily menu and matching with other employees who choose this dish throw this system.

People can be invited to the digital kitchens with their nicknames on the application, or if they want to enter the existing digital kitchens, they must log in using the code of the kitchen.


With the options of creating different digital kitchen groups, both a planned and random meeting and socialization environment are created. In this way, employees who are in the social office and do not know each other have a chance to meet each other.


The daily food menu continues with the like and dislike button. Until you press the like button, the daily meals of that day continue to be seen. If the meal is liked, it is directed to the screen where other employees who like this dish can see it. In addition, you can get information about the ingredients of the dishes from the information button next to the dishes.


In the matching procedure they can also chat with the people they are matched within digital environment leave voice messages and talk.

In addition, the kitchens created by join or invitation also feature chat and voicemail.


Once the people in our kitchen are clear, we see the recipes and ingredients of the menu we have chosen. This recipe we see helps us prepare food, and then the employees prepare food with the tasks assigned to them.


After the food preparation process is completed the order is created. Lunch-Box-Together company takes these orders and prepares them to be ready at 12:00. In addition, there are certain hours that employees can order. For example between 9:00-10:30 in the morning.


The lunch boxes prepared are brought to the social office canteen by the employees of the Lunch-Box-Together company's and placed.

The company has lunch boxes with flexible interior compartments that can hold different types of food and prevent them from getting damaged.

Introduction Video

Customer Journey


Feasibility - Viability


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During the time I started working with the Social Office thesis, I thought that eating and drinking together in the social office is a good socialization channel, and I studied the short chats next to the coffee machines of today, the socializing moments where the employees drink coffee, eat and cook together.

First of all, I worked for a while on coffee drinking times where employees could socialize together. Later, inspired by the feedback I got from an expert, I created the Lunch-Box-Together concept, focusing on cooking and eating together.

In addition, the visual in the second visual is the Self Driving Coffee Machine concept that can enable people to drink coffee together in the office I created before the Lunch-Box-Together concept and create an accidental socialization environment for people.


The purpose of the concept is for social office workers to prepare lunch together in the fastest way possible, to communicate and socialize while preparing and eating food. The digital food preparation process is what makes it possible to prepare meals together in the office environment as quickly as possible. In addition, it is another goal to create a ritual of preparing and eating food for social offices by ensuring that the meals they prepare come to the office at the same time.


The project was developed with the evaluation of 20 experts and 2 professors, from the creation of hypotheses to the latest concepts. The project, realized with the participation of experts, was created using 'Delphi Design Sprint'.

The final project was developed with feedback from professors and experts.

Ein Projekt von


Intermediales Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Prof. Dr. Katja Thoring foto: Prof. Hermann Klöckner

Zugehöriger Workspace

The Office of the Future / Project Documentation


Wintersemester 2020 / 2021
