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Designs for the Pluriverse

Presentation of the Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds, a book by Arturo Escobar.

Design Theory II by Professor Dr. Michael Hohl WISe 2021


I had a great chance to present Arturo Escobar's amazing book „Designs for the Pluriverse“. He presents a new vision of design theory and practice that aims to direct design's ability to create the world towards ways of being and doing that are deeply grounded in justice and the earth are matched. Noting that most design currently serves capitalist purposes, Escobar advocates the development of an “autonomous design” that eschews commercial and modernizing goals in favor of more collaborative and place-based approaches. Such design attends to environmental, experiential, and political issues while focusing on the production of human experience based on the radical interdependence of all beings. Yes, many universes can work to create a sustainable world with diversity and social good for all.

Designs for the Pluriverse_DesTheo_AliTohme-2.pdf PDF Designs for the Pluriverse_DesTheo_AliTohme-2.pdf



poster22.pdf PDF poster22.pdf

Reflection - What inspired me in this class?

From Donald Schön's „Educating the Reflective Practitioner“ to Gisela E. Speidel & Kristina Inn Interview „The Ocean Is My Classroom“ I learned how to learn, powerful mental tools to help myself master tough subjects. In Reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action part I learned how to be able to make improvements or changes in my own practice, a good action live, and another afterword as a question or future thoughts to it. It's all about learning by practice, trying to do things my own, and with the expertise eye beside without interfering and interrupting in the good time. It is not doing things to just do it, we should find our niche and enjoy it.

This poster is a combination of 2 books: Educating the Reflective Practitioner + The Ocean Is My Classroom. From reflection to practicing in learning.

In this poster, I represent in a conceptual way how we should navigate to a specific target in our educational process. Books that represent education are navigating in the Ocean in one way targeting a star. And I wrote: „Figure out who you are and navigate to it“ to approach the concept of the learning process.

Ali_Tohme_Poster.pdf PDF Ali_Tohme_Poster.pdf

Ein Projekt von


International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Michael Hohl

Zugehöriger Workspace

MAID: WIS D-Theory II, Weds. 10:00-11:30h, 04:208


Wintersemester 2021 / 2022
