Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Hochschule Anhalt Fachbereich Design

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Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Hochschule Anhalt Fachbereich Design mehr erfahren

Design for

As part of this class, we learned about design research & methods, how they can be used in our process, and how these can contribute to the completion of a project. Therefore we designed for different audiences: „Design for Me“ (personal needs and desires) „Design for You“ (family, friends, people close to you) „Design for We“ (people with similar values or problems you can relate to) „Design for Them“ (people or populations with different values, needs or problems)

Design for Me

This part of the class started with a personal test about our own character. As results we've got lists with values ranked from most to least important. Then we chose one of them with whether a really high or a really low score. I chose form the top Honesty. Following we created a Mind map for the chosen value.


Afterwards we thought of a way to increase the chosen value. 

Though honesty is a really important value for me and I also am honest, except for really personal topics, I focused on trying to express my deep feelings and thoughts more honestly to close people.

The following picture has not been taken while or shortly after I've talked to my best friend about this deeper topic because it was a really intimate moment, and for me personally it felt wrong to capture that with a photo. So I took one a little bit later that same day, when we were meeting other friends.


Design for You

The next audience we were designing for was someone close to us, I chose my fellow student Helena.
Then I took photos of her flat to later discuss in groups about possible problems she was dealing with.


She didn't seem quite comfortable yet, which I noticed. This is probably because she is still not completely settled in her new flat and it is a bit messy there. She also mentioned that she wanted to clean out her stuff.

To identify needs, values and insights we were working with frameworks.

According to Helena's Situation, three things are always present: her personal feeling, her home being messy & chaotic or her home being clean & tidy. 
But cleaning takes time and energy and as well isn't her favorite thing to do. So her best way is to just clean the minimum on a daily basis but with  a clean overall look.


Design for We

As a third audience, I chose friends from my hometown.

The problem we face is that we want to do something, but we often cannot decide what to do. And in group chats there are always some random messages that distracts from the topic. My idea for this problem was to create and design an app, that helps people to easily make and organize plans.
These were my sketches of an app prototype.

001.pdf PDF 001.pdf

People can create groups with their friends for planned events as well as spontaneous meets. A voting with only symbols shows quickly how many people agreed or declined a meet, you also get notifications about new votes or invitations to other meets. This app as well gives you options on things to do or places where to go, that is also the special and most important feature of this app.

Design for Them

The last audience we were designing for was a group of people that we were not directly connected with. Therefore I chose kindergarten children. My mother is a teacher in a kindergarten for over 27 years, so I interviewed her about that topic.
A problem nowadays for children is that many do have language/pronunciation problems.
They start really late to talk and often have troubles to talk normally till they go to school (stuttering, slurred pronunciation, extreme dialect, mumbling, problems with consonant compounds as br/scht/…). My interviewee noticed that this happens more and more often, she mentioned it has been one child per year and today it is about one third of the whole group.
The kindergarten teachers have to correct a lot, therefore they use talking-games, like a check-in in the morning or „Ich-packe-meinen-Koffer“.

My solution approach therefore is an app with animal stories. First of all are animals a topic that most of the children find interesting, and that allows the story to really catch the child’s attention. Also important is that the animal can tell the story itself or the parents can read it to their child. After every story comes a little quiz, where the child can check on what it just learned and it’s shown, if it really listened.

Following you can see a project I have done in my 4D Wahlmodul. The app „Thola“ I created there, already shows how I would have built an app to try to solve the children's problem.

Thola.pdf PDF Thola.pdf

Portfolio Piece

For the Portfolio Piece I chose my Design for We – the meeter app.

And in the following video I explain what this app does and how it works.

Ein Projekt von


Integriertes Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im zweiten Studienabschnitt


foto: Prof. Alejandro Lecuna

Zugehöriger Workspace



Sommersemester 2022
