In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre
In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre
Do you want to travel in time?
Yes. That's possible. And I realised this after I did this Holodeck Multiuser VR Showroom expertise. We learned implementation of the concept into an interactive VR Experience for a Multi-User Environment. We were introduced to Blender for developing 3D models and Unity to create a Multiuser VR project/environment of our own.
We started with handling Blender's and Unity's basic tools and making us comfortable with the interface. To practice, we did following 3 activities in initial 3 days.
1. Snowman
Learning : Basic tools, Camera settings, Render Options, Viewports, Shortcut keys and other interface options.
2. Euro Palette
Learning : Modifiers, Lighting, Materials, Export to Unity.
3. Photo Cardboard Display
Learning : Tracking options, export to System, Environment and skymaps on unity, Light and material settings in Unity.
After having a good knowledge and hands on experience of the softwares and VR system, I presented my 3 ideas for the final project as required. The idea of unReal atmosphere came out to be the most feasible for the current time frame.
I started with sketching the entire scene and experience I wanted to create in VR and then the basic 3D models were created in blender. The environment of the sky was added in Unity as Skymap. Materials, animation and sound was also added in Unity.
My idea was to create an environment in the space where one has a choice to take a train and travel to the black hole or go back to the reality on earth.
I used Train as medium of travel where Train and platform were real but the travelling and environment was surreal.
The experience was tested 7 times before the final outcome to check the placements, quality, animation speed, materials of the model.
The final experience with the sound and animation was amazing. The inputs which I gave throughout this journey of learning resulted in satisfying outcome.
Although it was hard to grab alot of information in very small time frame but it always felt like possible due to support from the professors and students.
I am very gratefull to Prof. Mathias and Susanne for this wonderful Holodeck VR workshop and their constant support in the project.
The journey and those little moments.