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Emotional Metamorphosis-Design for well-being of international students

Emotional Metamorphosis-Design for well-being of international students

Emotional Metamorphosis-Design for well-being of international students

This master’s thesis focuses on addressing the emotional challenges faced by international students during their transition to studying abroad in Germany. The aim of this research is to explore the potential of positive design in helping international students navigate their emotions and cultivate a sense of emotional empowerment.

The study aims to identify the challenges faced by international students, explore the range of emotions experienced during the transition phase, and investigate the role of positive design and common emotional language in promoting their well-being.

Context and background

The study communicates the current situation for international students studying in Germany. It provides insights into the challenges that they commonly face during their transition and settlement phase.

There are numerous challenges that international students face while
living and studying in Germany. These include language barriers, cultural adjustments, academic expectations, social integration, homesickness, and navigating bureaucratic processes. All the above challenges create an emotional toll and have negative effects on the well-being of
international students.

Emotional well-being is of paramount importance in today’s fast paced world where one is trying to multitask and excel in their academic or
professional lives. Often, emotional well-being is not prioritized, and it can lead to negative effects on the overall health and well-being of
individuals. For students, this is also significantly important to help them succeed and have a better overall experience during their study phase. Emotional empowerment plays an important role in helping students navigate their emotions effectively and thrive in their new environment.

There are some support systems operational and available to international students in Germany. These include university services, counseling centers, student organizations, and other initiatives aimed at
addressing the emotional well-being of international students. However, there is room for improvement and accessibility as the current methods have their own set of limitations.

Positive design enhances the emotional well-being of individuals. The application of positive design principles in various contexts can be 
relevant to the experiences of international students. Positive design
interventions can empower students to navigate their emotions and build resilience during their study abroad journey.

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Research Question

In light of my study, the following research question has been
formulated to explore the topic with a deeper purpose.

„How design can contribute to emotional regulation for the well-being and empowerment of International students during their settlement phase in Germany?“

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1. Honeymoon

Everything is new and exciting in the beginning.

2. Disorientation/rejection/cultural shock

The difference becomes apparent and irritating, the problem occurs, and frustration sets in, students may feel depressed, and homesick.

3. Adjustment

A phase where students develop strategies to cope with difficulties.

4. Adapting/Mastering

This a phase where students accept and embrace cultural differences

Literature reveiw

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Together, these papers emphasize the significance of taking feelings,
subjective well-being, and user experiences into account during the
design process. They place a strong emphasis on the role that good
feelings and user-centered strategies have in producing meaningful and pleasing design outputs. The importance of designing for well-being in a variety of contexts, such as product interactions and urban public areas, is also emphasized.

Research scope

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Moving to a new place has always been challenging. Germany has been an attractive destination for many students because of its free education. According to a survey by Expatrio “ Relocating and Living in Germany” 36% of respondents considered the language barrier in Germany as a major challenge. Finding accommodation is the second largest challenge dealing with German bureaucracy is also among the top challenges due to misunderstanding requirements and instructions. However, several mentoring programs are tailored to student needs. Apart from the struggles of finding the right apartment, and getting the city registration, there is one struggle that is less talked about it. The struggle of emotions and moods that students go through during this settlement phase. It has been often observed that students feel homesick and feel depressed, overwhelmed by this cultural change.

“My study aims to contribute to their emotional well-being through positive design and help them regulate their emotions.”

To understand the emotions qualitative research interviews were scheduled with students and professionals, these interviews helped me to gain insights for my project.

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Research summary

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Design methodology

Double Diamond Method:

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Student's emotional journey

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The inception of my thesis project originated from a previous endeavor called “Good to be Here” undertaken during my first semester. This project served as a personal contemplation of the emotions I encountered upon arriving in Germany. Interestingly, I discovered that my classmates and friends were also experiencing similar emotions as newcomers facing common challenges. When I shared the project with my university peers, it became evident that it had the potential to be expanded into a broader thesis project. The book also highlighted some of the factual information such as where to get accommodation, and how to reach Dessau? etc.


Some personal experiences that shaped my ideation, meeting friends, going on picnics, and social interactions. etc


Storytelling Narrative: The Metamorphosis of a Caterpillar

to a Butterfly

The use of a storytelling narrative can be a potent strategy when creating a book specifically for international students to portray their transforming journey and emotional experiences during their settlement phase. They can use the metaphor of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly as a unifying theme that reflects their struggles and development while living in Germany.

1. The Caterpillar’s World

The story’s main character, a curious caterpillar is introduced who sets off on an adventure in a foreign country represents the international
student. The caterpillar’s initial feelings of discomfort and uncertainty areThe caterpillar’s initial feelings of discomfort and uncertainty are
described, which reflect the feelings and difficulties that international 
students experience as they settle in.

2. Embracing Change

This phase shows how the caterpillar gradually adjusts to change and its new habitat. The caterpillar is shown exploring its environment, meeting many cultures, and discovering traditions. The significance of flexibility, openness, and a readiness to accept new experiences as essential
components of human development and integration are highlighted in the story.

3. Overcoming Challenges

The difficulties and hardships the caterpillar faces on the way, such as
language problems, cultural disparities, or struggle to find the right
accommodation is also represented through various metaphors.

The caterpillar is shown asking for help from other fellow insects,
representing the value of forming relationships and asking for assistance from others within the community of international students.

4. Growth and Transformation

The caterpillar gradually develops into a butterfly to represent one’s own personal development. Celebrating your successes, such as learning German fluently, performing well in school, or participating in
cross-cultural events. The resiliency, tenacity, and inner resources that international students develop throughout the course of their studies are all visually represented using narrative building and visual storytelling techniques.

5. Spreading Wings and Soaring

The fully transformed butterfly is shown at the end, which represents the international student’s integration and sense of belonging within the community, as it comfortably navigates its environment.

The butterfly as a metaphor interacts socially, taking part in cultural activities, and develops friendships with both local and international pupils.

A sense of empowerment, self-discovery, and a sense of belonging to a bigger whole is communicated using narratives.

The caterpillar-to-butterfly metaphor has been used for the transformational journey of overseas students. Despite the difficulties encountered during the adjustment period, international students can eventually thrive, find their position in the community, and feel content and happy in their new home with resiliency, support, and personal growth

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Final outcome

EMOTIONAL METAMORPHOSIS-A book on emotional well-being

This book is the final outcome of this Thesis project. The book narrates the story of a caterpillar journey’s into a beautiful butterfly. The caterpillar here draws the simile of International students. The designs are as follows:


Further Exploration:

Caterpillar Mascot (Buddy Program) Merchandise

The character of a caterpillar can work as a mascot of a buddy program at the university. If you are new to the town, need help with an apartment, and much more. Caterpillar is here to guide International students.


Emotional metamorphosis Instagram handle

Struggling with appointments, finding the right apartment, or dealing with bureaucratic problems? Caterpillar Buddy will guide the students about the processes by sharing useful links and information on Instagram

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The hugging caterpillar couch:

This Idea can be implemented in student service centers at the university where students can relax and unwind. The idea inspiration is mainly from maternity pillows.

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Conclusion/take aways

During the transition period to a new country, international students have a variety of difficulties. The emotional discomfort felt throughout this change is one important factor. This thesis looks at how positive design and storytelling narratives can be used to make it easier for international students to fit in, establish friends, and control their moods for better overall well-being.

International students need to get involved in clubs, events, and student groups to build relationships with locals and other international students.

Through language exchange programs, cultural celebrations, or
community service activities and interactions between locals and international students can be facilitated.

Buddy programs: Mentoring programs wherein local students or members of the community act as mentors and support systems for overseas students can be created, assisting them in navigating unfamiliar environments and forming social bonds.

Orientation programs: Orientation programs emphasize the socialization of incoming overseas students as well as practical considerations.

Social events and activities: Frequent social meetings, such as meet-and-greets, game evenings, or themed events, can be planned to provide international students the chance to get to know and engage with their classmates.

Online communities and platforms: Online groups or forums can be used where overseas students can communicate, exchange stories, and make friends before arriving in Germany.

Campus environments: Creating hospitable, inclusive settings on campus encourage social contact, cosy gathering spots, collaborative study areas, or amenities for shared recreation.

Sensory components: Creating a peaceful and upbeat environment that promotes emotional well-being, incorporates components like natural light, vegetation, and soothing color schemes.

Technology-based solutions: Mobile applications or platforms that offer tools for international students expressly to enhance their social integration, language acquisition, and mental wellness.

International students can be helped with their emotional well-being,
integration into the community, and capacity to make friends easily by
applying storytelling narratives and positive design approaches. The metaphor of the caterpillar to the butterfly provides an effective
framework for comprehending their transforming journey, and useful programs including orientation programs, buddy systems, and positive design interventions can ease their integration and improve their general wellbeing. By putting these tactics into practice, German universities and
communities may build a climate that is welcoming and accepting of
international students, establishing a sense of belonging and allowing them to succeed in their studies.

Thesis PDF

For more understanding of the project, please go through the PDF.

Thesis-Salman Ahmed_FINAL FOR PRINT_01_compressed.pdf PDF Thesis-Salman Ahmed_FINAL FOR PRINT_01_compressed.pdf