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Artificial Intelligence and creative professions, how does it affect us?

Artificial Intelligence and creative professions, how does it affect us?

In this design theory class we got to write a paper for a design conference and chose our on topic from a fitting field.

The topic I chose was:

My topic: interactions

How do technologies change us? How can we shape technology to respond to social and contextual changes? And how do augmented, virtual and mixed environments and experiences impact communities, processes, and professions?

Keeping this topic in mind I brainstorming and landed on the research question: „Artificial Intelligence and creative professions, how does it affect us?“

In the following you can read my personal visual essay about AI and creative professions, a topic that speaks to as all.

I hope you enjoy it and thank you for reading! :)

The final paper

Visual_essay_AI_assmann.pdf PDF Visual_essay_AI_assmann.pdf

My personal reflection

Researching and reading all these different articles and options really made a difference in my perspective on AI. As someone who didn‘t want to be confronted with the topic AI, because of fear, I learned how much of this industry already consists of AI generated content and that we as creatives can‘t escape it. The research I did for the question „Artificial Intelligence and creative professions, how does it affect us?„ helped me to get a step closer to what generative AI is and maybe even to shake hands with Artifical Intelligence. We all know that there is no way to escape the evolution that AI brings to our jobs. So reading these articles spiked fear but maybe even a little bit of hope, a direction of how AI and creative professions can work together. Different articles means different opinions. Not everyone thinks AI is a threat, neither if it’s a good thing for us designers. But I personally can say that it will change the way we work, as well as take away jobs from us but it will be able to create real art, that comes from emotions and experiences as humans can. Me and all the articles can‘t tell what the future of Artificial Intelligence in creative professions will look like. We can‘t tell you to be happy or sad about what’s coming. But I‘ll know that we can do things, AI can‘t and we should take it as a chance to seek new creations.

Ein Projekt von


Intermediales Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Alberto Iberbuden

Zugehöriger Workspace

MA Design Theorie - Summer 2023


Sommersemester 2023


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Fantastic work Jule!