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Pattern Design Flaneur Edition

It's Sunday, and the flâneur wanders around town. He is looking not for the big, but for the small things.

The flâneur collects things that are catching his eye: sticks, stones and feathers. He picks them up from the ground and carries them in his tote bag, that he has always with him.

Suddenly, it starts to rain, and the flâneur has to run home. When he arrives at his house, he realizes that he forgot his keys at home. Luckily, the old lady from downstairs let's him in and offers him a cup of hot chocolate.

After calling the locksmith, the flâneur has to wait until they arrive. In the mean time, he is talking to the old lady about all the different kinds of keys and the different things they can unlock. Inspired by that, he takes out his sketchbook and starts sketching keys that soon became patterns.

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The flâneur thought of a way to not forget his keys anymore. His sight fell on his tote bag, that he always carries with him and an idea emerged.


When the flâneur finally could enter his home, he took all his collected things out of his tote bag and started playing around with them and interesting patterns emerged.

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While sitting on his desk looking at the rain outside, the flâneur gazed out and thought of ways to apply his patterns.



Ein Projekt von


Intermediales Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Mauricio Sosa Noreña

Zugehöriger Workspace

EXP1 - Patterns Galore! The Flâneur Edition


Wintersemester 2023 / 2024
