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Memeocracy Madness

In the futuristic realm of 2060, where minds operate in the language of memes, ME-ME LAND is gripped by the quirky chaos of presidential elections. The campaign office of an old-fashioned candidate, struggling to adapt to this peculiar reality, seeks out the wittiest memers to move their outdated contender into the presidency.


Quirky, Comedy, Offbeat, imaginative

About the Story

In the bustling metropolis of ME-ME LAND, where the currency of influence is measured in the wit of memes, society is governed by laughter and governed for laughter. The air is thick with futuristic marvels, yet the heartbeat of the nation lies in the memetic pulse of its people. In the year 2060, the uproarious world of meme-driven politics takes center stage, with an old-fashioned, grumpy candidate, Senator Bean-O Crankypants, determined to secure the presidency.

As the election season kicks off, the campaign office of Senator Crankypants is in disarray. They are desperately seeking skilled memers to catapult their outdated candidate into the hearts and minds of the meme-driven nation. Their quest for the ultimate meme leads them to our protagonist, Cat faced, an unconventional character who stumbles upon the opportunity of a lifetime.

Cat faced, an ordinary citizen with an extraordinary sense of humor, wakes up one day to the news of the upcoming elections. The city buzzes with excitement as meme enthusiasts gear up for the most anticipated event of the decade. Cat faced, torn between skepticism and curiosity, decides to take a chance. After all, who wouldn't want to be part of a meme-driven revolution?

Upon joining the campaign office, Cat faced is introduced to a world where meme wars are waged, and the destiny of the nation hangs in the balance. However, Cat Faced is quick to realize that his chances of victory are slim. The seasoned competition, armed with cutting-edge memes, seems unbeatable.

Undeterred, Cat Faced takes a bold approach. Instead of conforming to the high-tech standards, he embraces the absurdity of the situation and creates the most ludicrous meme imaginable – the president depicted wearing a Burger King paper cap and edited over a Queen's body, a symbol of simplicity and relatability in a world drowning in complexity.

Throughout the meme battle, Cat Faced's submission stands out. In a surprising turn of events, the old-fashioned candidate, Senator Crankypants, is left with no option but to present Cat Faced's meme to the public. The meme resonates with the citizens on a profound level. It becomes a cultural phenomenon, encapsulating the sentiments of the entire society in a single, ridiculous image.

In the end, Cat Faced's meme prevails as the ultimate expression of the people's voice, and Senator Crankypants secures an unexpected victory. ME-ME LAND erupts in laughter, celebrating the triumph of simplicity over complexity, and the quirky chaos of memeocracy prevails.

„Memeocracy Madness“ is a hilarious journey through the absurd landscape of meme-driven politics, proving that in a world saturated with technology and innovation, sometimes the most powerful weapon is the ability to make people laugh.

Mood Board



During this project I learned about the „but and therefore“ technique. The incorporation of the „but and therefore“ technique in screenwriting serves as a powerful tool to breathe life into narratives. Departing from the conventional „and then“ structure, this method encourages writers to create a cause-and-effect dynamic: „X happens, but Y intervenes, therefore Z unfolds.“ This strategic shift prevents the common pitfall of listing non-consequential events and transforms the narrative into a three-act story with a distinct setup, conflict, and resolution. South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone emphasize the importance of these transitions being „buts“ and „therefores,“ injecting drama and tension into the storyline.


Mood Board for Style and Colors

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Final Story Posters

For the characters, I've opted to incorporate familiar online memes into the storyline. This approach aims to infuse humor, relatability, and a real feel of living in that universe by using the amusing aspects of internet culture.


Final Poster


I had so much fun working on this project. I am thankful for the opportunity to experiment with something like memes :)

Ein Projekt von


International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Alberto Iberbuden

Zugehöriger Workspace

EXP II Experimental Storytelling MDE/MID WiSem 2023/24


Wintersemester 2023 / 2024


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Thank you Najwa