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Tangerine leather - BIOMATERIALS

During the first part of the Materials and Technology course, we dealt with the production of sustainable biomaterials. We decided to produce a leather alternative from tangerine peels. In order to do so, we looked for a recipe that served as our basis and then modified it.




30g rice starch

7.5g glycerol

100ml distilled water

15ml vinegar



  1. measure the distilled water, glycerol & vinegar, pour into a pot and stirr

  2. slowly add the rice starch -> stirr continuously for two minutes with a whisk at 60 degrees Celsius

  3. pour into two petri dishes

  4. distribute evenly with a spoon



thickens quickly when heated, state when poured into the petri dish - creamy thick & white color

after 5 min: same state

after 20 min: completely cooled, surface matt, upper layer pudding-like (spread test) lid (on a petri dish) -> immediately removed (condensation -> not yet fully cooled)

after 36 min: lid on the petri dish



elastic, pliable, solid material.


One dish with lid/cover and one without


Experiment 1.jpgExperiment 1.jpg

15g rice starch

15g banana powder

7.5g glycerol

100ml distilled water

15ml vinegar



  1. measure the distilled water, glycerol & vinegar, pour into a pot and stir

  2. slowly add the rice starch and banana powder -> stir continuously for two minutes with a whisk at 60 degrees Celsius

  3. after 8 minutes of whisking -> too liquid state = due to the banana powder, add another 15g rice starch

  4. whisk for 4 minutes

  5. remove pot from the stove

  6. whisk for 3 minutes without heat

  7. pour into two petri dishes

  8. distribute evenly with a spoon



Starch did not clump (just as in Exp. 1)

banana powder initially formed many small mini lumps -> dissolved by whisking

state when decanting - creamy liquid, grey beige, initially air bubbles



a more elastic substance (than in Exp. 1) -> banana powder acts as a gelling agent, mould (banana)


One dish with lid/cover and one without.



Experiment 2.jpgExperiment 2.jpg
Experiment 1 final.jpgExperiment 1 final.jpg

(12.04.) Experiment 1:
 (picture 1)

with lid - state unchanged: still liquid/creamy consistency, white colour

without lid - state: rock hard at the top (hard plastic) & slightly rubbery at the bottom (not yet completely dried), milky transparent, broken structure/individual chunks, strong reduction of mass


(12.04.) Experiment 2: (picture2)

with lid - state unchanged

without lid - state: beige brown colour (slightly lighter), firm - yields only slightly when pressure is applied with a finger & pressure marks appear when hard pressure is applied with a fingernail, elastic - can be bent but tears quickly, smooth surface, leather-like to the touch, white dots = air bubbles, mass only slightly reduced The target state of the final material based on this: Elastic, pliable, without tearing


Experiment 3 - xanthan instead of banana powder

Mini - Experiments 1 & 2 - exposure of fragments from Exp. 1 & 2 to test water resistance/absorbability


petri dish with distilled water

chunks from the first experiment (12.04.)



After 5min - becomes soft

After 15 (17)min - small particles (white) soak off

After 30min - more pieces soak off

After 60min - upper hard part unchanged, rubbery part (bottom) very soft


petri dish with distilled water

chunks of the second experiment (12.04.)



After 5min - becomes soft, sticks slightly to the bottom

After 15 (17)min - upper layer brown, lower layers become beige/lighter in colour

After 30min - much lighter/somewhat lighter than at 15min, top layer still firmest = takes longer to absorb water since the layer was completely dry

After 60min - all soft, water is milky


 Experiment 3 Nah.jpg Experiment 3 Nah.jpg

15g rice starch

15g xanthan

7.5g glycerol

100ml distilled water

15ml vinegar



  1. measure the distilled water, glycerol & vinegar, pour into a pot and stir together

  2. slowly add rice starch & xanthan -> stir continuously with a whisk at 60 degrees Celsius

  3. whisk for 1 min: Yeast dough-like consistency

  4. pour 1/4 into a petri dish and large silver collecting dish

  5. distribute evenly with a spoon



more pliable material than in Exp. 1 & 2, white, slight shine


Experiment 3.2 copy.jpgExperiment 3.2 copy.jpg
Experiment 3.2.jpgExperiment 3.2.jpg

3/4 of the mixture of Exp. 3


  4. add 85ml of distilled water

  5. boiled at 60 degrees Celcius

  6. pour into large petri dish and large silver collection dish

  7. distribute evenly with a spoon



sticky consistency, porridge-like, ivory-coloured,

runnier than Exp. 3, firmer consistency than Exp. 2



more pliable material than Exp. 3


Experiment 4 final.jpgExperiment 4 final.jpg

15g rice starch

5g xanthan

10g banana powder

7.5g glycerol

100ml distilled water

15ml vinegar



  1. measure the distilled water, glycerol & vinegar, pour into a pot and stir together

  2. slowly add the rice starch, xanthan & banana powder -> stir continuously with a whisk at 60 degrees Celsius

  3. add another 5ml of distilled water, 5ml of glycerol & 5ml of vinegar

  4. whisk for 2 minutes

  5. pour into a petri and collection dish

  6. evenly distribute the mixture with a spoon



lumpy & solid -> just as in Exp. 3, softer consistency/runnier, creamy with very small lumps



Mini Experiment 2.jpgMini Experiment 2.jpg
Mini Experiment 1.jpgMini Experiment 1.jpg
Experiment 1.2 Deckel 2 Wochen später.jpgExperiment 1.2 Deckel 2 Wochen später.jpg
Experiment 3 und 3.2.jpgExperiment 3 und 3.2.jpg
Experiment 3,2 getrocknet.jpgExperiment 3,2 getrocknet.jpg
Experiment 3.2 getrocknet runde.jpgExperiment 3.2 getrocknet runde.jpg
Experiment 4 getrocknet rund.jpgExperiment 4 getrocknet rund.jpg
Experiment 4 Alu.jpgExperiment 4 Alu.jpg
Experiment 4 Handfoto.jpgExperiment 4 Handfoto.jpg

(12.04.) Experiment 1: (picture 1, left)

with lid - state: slightly firmer, like solid body cream, has a crack -> probably due to slowed drying out

without lid - state: same colour & mass, completely hard, no more soft spots


(12.04.) Experiment 2: (picture 1, right)

with lid - state unchanged

without lid - completely solid, can be bent -> breaks through


(19.04.) Mini - Experiment 1: (picture 2)

State - somewhat dissolved = piece is still intact, water has dried out


(19.04.) Mini experiment 2: (picture 3)

State - solid consistency, dissolved part sticks to the petri dish and is slimy/creamy


Result Mini - Experiment 1 & 2:

Experiment 1&2 absorb water, which dissolves the material and creates a slimy substance when it dries again


(19.04.) Experiment 3: (picture 4, bottom)

Petri dish - completely dried out, yellow/corn-coloured, large loss of mass (very flat layer)

Large silver collection dish - completely dried out, yellow „film“


(19.04) Experiment 3 vol.2: (picture 4 top, picture 5, picture 6)

Petri dish - completely dried out, too solid, breaks


(19.04.) Experiment 4: (picture 7, picture 8, picture 9)

Petri dish - soft, pliable, brownish yellow, air bubbles

Large silver collection dish - difficult to peel off (carefully!), flexible, only partially stretchable -> tears, beige transparent


dry tangerine peel and bark in the oven (sterilising) 

Experiment: Mixture without rice starch


Experiment 5.jpgExperiment 5.jpg

10g xanthan

10g banana powder

12.5g glycerol

105ml distilled water

20ml vinegar

(double the amount for preparation)



  1. measure the distilled water, glycerol & vinegar, pour into a pot and stir together

  2. slowly add the banana powder -> stir continuously with a whisk for two minutes at 60 degrees Celsius

  3. slowly add the xanthan -> stir continuously with a whisk for two minutes at 60 degrees Celsius

  4. whisk for 3 minutes without heat

  5. pour into a large Petri dish

  6. distribute evenly with a spoon



milky consistency & colour when heated

Consistency - creamy/firm like jelly, beige grey colour when decanting



material that does not break apart, dries, elastic, pliable


Holzrinde und Mandarinenschalen.jpgHolzrinde und Mandarinenschalen.jpg

add the tangerine peel & bark (elm) to the mixture

sterilise in the oven for 90 minutes



Experiment 5 in Petrischale.jpgExperiment 5 in Petrischale.jpg

(19.04.) Experiment 3:

State - unchanged, rock hard, corn coloured


(19.04.) Experiment 4:

State - flexible, elastic, does not break, smooth surface


(26.04.) Experiment 5: (picture 1)

State - not dried, same state as when poured, sticky, grey


Plan 3.5.jpgPlan 3.5.jpg

Repeat Experiment 4

Experiment 4 with bark (elm)

Experiment 4 with tangerine peel


Experiment 6.jpgExperiment 6.jpg

15g rice starch

5g xanthan

10g banana powder

12.5g glycerol

105ml distilled water

20ml vinegar



  1. measure the distilled water, glycerol & vinegar, pour into a pot and stir together

  2. slowly add rice starch, xanthan gum & banana powder -> stir continuously with a whisk at 60 degrees Celsius

  3. pour into a petri dish (square)

  4. on baking paper


Experiment 7.jpgExperiment 7.jpg

15g powdered bark (elm)

15g rice starch

5g xanthan

10g banana powder

12.5g glycerol

105ml distilled water

20ml vinegar



  1. measure the distilled water, glycerol & vinegar, pour into a pot and stir together

  2. slowly add rice starch, xanthan & banana powder -> stir continuously with a whisk at 60 degrees Celsius

  3. add the bark and whisk

  4. pour into a petri dish (square)

  5. distribute the rest evenly on baking paper


Experiment 8.jpgExperiment 8.jpg

15g powdered tangerine peel

15g rice starch

5g xanthan

10g banana powder

12.5g glycerol

105ml distilled water

20ml vinegar



  1. measure the distilled water, glycerol & vinegar, pour into a pot and stir together

  2. slowly add rice starch, xanthan & banana powder -> stir continuously with a whisk at 60 degrees Celsius

  3. add the tangerine zest and stir in

  4. pour into a petri dish (square)

  5. pour on baking paper

  6. distribute evenly with a spoon



Experiment 5 teil 2 hand 11.jpgExperiment 5 teil 2 hand 11.jpg
Experiment 7 getrocknet.jpgExperiment 7 getrocknet.jpg
Experiment 8 getrocknet quadrat.jpgExperiment 8 getrocknet quadrat.jpg
experiment 8 getrocknet.jpgexperiment 8 getrocknet.jpg

(26.04.) Experiment 5: (picture 1)

State - sticky, firm, pliable, sticks together (handle carefully!), slightly stretchy


(03.05.) Experiment 6:

State - pliable, elastic, does not break, smooth surface, good consistency


(03.05.) Experiment 7: (picture 2)

State - hard, not bendable, dark brown, breaks when bent


(03.05.) Experiment 8: (picture 3, picture 4)

State - pliable and firm, orange colour, good consistency


Result: Experiment 8 = final recipe

reason: pliable, soft, smooth underside, slightly rough upper side, robust, elastic, comes very close to leather properties


Exp. 8: Quantity x3 to achieve a flat surface with a press

Exp. 4 with orange peel instead of tangerine peel


Mandarinen Pulver 2.jpgMandarinen Pulver 2.jpg

26g powdered tangerine peel

45g rice starch

30g xanthan

30g banana powder

38g glycerol

300ml distilled water

60ml vinegar



  1. measure the distilled water, glycerol & vinegar, pour into a pot and stir together

  2. slowly add rice starch, xanthan & banana powder -> stir continuously with a whisk at 60 degrees Celsius

  3. shred the tangerine peel

  4. add the tangerine peel and stir in

  5. pour into a petri dish (square)

  6. on baking paper

  7. fill into previously lasered  medium-density fibre board (mdf) mould

  8. distribute evenly with a spoon

  9. put into the  press

  10. leave to dry


Mandarinen Pulver.jpgMandarinen Pulver.jpg

12g powdered orange peel

15g rice starch

5g xanthan

10g banana powder

12.5g glycerol

105ml distilled water

20ml vinegar



  1. slowly add rice starch, xanthan & banana powder -> stir continuously with a whisk at 60 degrees Celsius

  2. add the orange peel and stir in

  3. pour into a petri dish (square)

  4. pour on baking paper

  5. distribute evenly with a spoon



Experiment 10.jpgExperiment 10.jpg
Experiment 10 Backpapier.jpgExperiment 10 Backpapier.jpg

(17.05.) Experiment 9:

State - removed from the press: still moist, only slightly dried, left it outside the press, remaining in the mould for further drying


(17.05.) Experiment 10: (picture 1, picture 2)

State - well dried, elastic, pliable, firm, yellow

10.06.2024 - Open Lab Day


Experiment 9.jpgExperiment 9.jpg
Experiment 9 Presse.jpgExperiment 9 Presse.jpg
experiment 9 backpapier.jpgexperiment 9 backpapier.jpg
experiment 9 backpapier 2.jpgexperiment 9 backpapier 2.jpg

(17.05.) Experiment 9:

State - well dried, left in the mould - baking paper removed to let it dry further, deep orange, smooth surface, pliable


Photos of the utensils and results



Experiment 9 final.jpgExperiment 9 final.jpg
experiment 9 final 3.jpgexperiment 9 final 3.jpg

(17.05.) Experiment 9:

State - dried, deep orange, smooth surface, flexible, elastic, cut out from the mould


Photos of the result


experiment 9 final 2.jpgexperiment 9 final 2.jpg


SoSe24_B1_T01_Tran_Reisewitz_Rehm.pdf PDF SoSe24_B1_T01_Tran_Reisewitz_Rehm.pdf


grosse Petrischale.jpggrosse Petrischale.jpg
Topf und Schneebesen.jpgTopf und Schneebesen.jpg


At the beginning, the production of the tangerine leather was a bit tricky. We did a lot of experiments to find out what quantities of the various ingredients would produce a satisfactory material of our intention. We were lucky that everything went smoothly and none of the experiments went mouldy. As a result, we were able to do even more experiments.

The tangerine peel gave the material a pleasant texture, firmness and colour. The banana powder, combined with rice starch, provided a certain elasticity that is very similar to that of leather. To summarise, the whole process was a great experience and we are proud of our result.


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foto: Prof. Dr. Manuel Kretzer foto: Danny Ott

Zugehöriger Workspace

GL_Material und Technologie SoSe24


Sommersemester 2024
