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Starbound - Connecting System

MatLab - Elements Project „Starbound“


The objective was to create an interlocking system using two-dimensional components that could be assembled into three-dimensional structures without any tools, relying solely on the parts interlocking or meshing together. We began with initial analog studies, sketching various versions of our concept. This involved defining and designing key features of the elements, such as their size, connection slots, angles, and depth. Ultimately, we had to evaluate how the system would function in three-dimensional space and determine the shapes that could be constructed from it.


We learned Rhino in the first lectures and explored the software in detail. It was my first time using 3D software, but it was better than I expected. Once we felt confident enough, we started working on our interlocking system. Initially, we created the interlocking system in 2D from a top perspective. Week by week, we improved and were able to transform the 2D format into 3D. The laser cutting brought everything to life, and it was really cool to hold it in our own hands.

Connecting System Final [Konvertiert].pngConnecting System Final [Konvertiert].png
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My connecting system is called Starbound. I wanted to design the system so that it resembles a star. The more stars you connect, the more they „bound“ together, hence the name Starbound. I aimed to create an elegant and clean look with this design.



Overall, I had a lot of fun with Rhino throughout this project and now have a better understanding of 3D software. I am very happy with the connecting system, and it was a great introduction to the world of 3D Design.

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Ein Projekt von


Integriertes Design

Art des Projekts

Keine Angabe


foto: Fredrik Skåtar foto: Prof. Dr. Manuel Kretzer

Zugehöriger Workspace

GL_Material und Technologie SoSe24


Sommersemester 2024
