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Lovemeal - your AI meal planner

We've all been there: staring blankly into the fridge after a long day, wondering how to whip up something you will enjoy. Well, that's where Lovemeal comes in!

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01 Personas

First, meet Sarah and John, the lovely personas who've inspired this    project. They're both busy professionals with unique dietary preferences and a desire for easy, healthy meals. I've kept them in mind throughout the process to ensure Lovemeal caters to different people and different needs.

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02 User Journey Map

The user journey map for LoveMeal showcases the typical experience of a user, highlighting key interactions and touchpoints with the app. It begins with the user's initial awareness of the app and follows their journey through the onboarding process, personalizing their profile, exploring meal recommendations, selecting recipes, generating shopping lists, and ultimately enjoying a delicious and healthy meal.

Overall, the user journey map offers valuable insights into the app's   ability to streamline meal planning, reduce stress, and promote healthy eating habits for its users.

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03 Survey

Next, I conducted a survey and found out that most people plan meals based on ingredients they already have at home. More than half make a grocery list and actually stick to it. The majority spends 1- 3 hours meal planning and grocery shopping.This information helped me to develop the app.

Auswertung Umfrage.jpgAuswertung Umfrage.jpg

04 Research

To back up my concept, I delved into research and found some               interessting insights.

1. Meal planning can reduce stress and therefore improve diets.            Fernandez, M. A., Desroches, S., Marquis, M. & Provencher, V. (2020). Meal planning as a strategy to support healthy eating. Nutrition Science en évolution 17(3), 12–16.

2. It makes mealtime a more relaxed environment. > reduce negative    effects like increased anxiety, depression in children                                    A Tool for Facilitating Meal Planning - Jaclyn Maurer Abbot, PhD, RD; Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, PhD, RD, FADA in Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Volume 42, Number 1, 2010

3. Time scarcity often leads to a decrease in time spent preparing food. Fernandez, M. A., Desroches, S., Marquis, M. & Provencher, V. (2020). Meal planning as a strategy to support healthy eating. Nutrition Science en évolution 17(3), 12–16.

Lovemeal is designed to help achieve these benefits and to use your time efficently!

05 Challenge

The challenge I faced was to create an AI solution that simplifies meal planning and grocery shopping, while addressing the impact of busy schedules on meal prep and healthy eating. I also wanted to promote a stress-free mealtime environment.

06 Character

To keep myself motivated, I imagined Lovemeal as an empathetic      companion, ready to save the day by rescuing mealtime from stress and chaos. Making memories and creating connections, while bringing joy and comfort. Lovemeal knows that food is an expression of love.

Character_Zeichenfläche 1.pngCharacter_Zeichenfläche 1.png

07 Concept

Lovemeal is all about making meal planning a breeze, and there's a secret ingredient that makes it all possible - AI! But don't worry, The AI magic happens all quietly in the background. 

Catering to individual preferences, dietary needs, and schedules. With personalized recommendations and automated grocery lists Lovemeal  saves time, reduces food waste, and ensures a seamless and enjoyable cooking experience for individuals, couples, and families.


08 Design Elements

When it came to designing Lovemeal, I wanted to create an app that's not only functional but also visually appealing. Here are some design          elements I chose:


I selected Pain de mie for headlines and Lato to ensure all text is easily  readable while you're busy in the kitchen.

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Color Scheme

I opted for a calming green and cream color palette that reflects the app's goal of making mealtime a stress-free and healthy experience.

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The Lovemeal logo features a heart as the „v“ in „Love.“ It symbolizes the app's mission to spread love through healthy and delicious meals.

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I included colorful images of dishes throughout the app to inspire users and showcase the variety of meals Lovemeal offers.

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09 Lovemeal - your AI meal planner

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10 Video Prototyp

Ein Projekt von


Integriertes Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im zweiten Studienabschnitt


foto: Prof. Hermann Klöckner

Zugehöriger Workspace

WM BA: Living with AI - Everyday Design


Sommersemester 2024