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Form Workshop: Grasshopper

In this course, we learned how to use Grasshopper to create parametric designs, that are kinetic and adaptable.

1. Concept

This project is made inspired by Yoshimura Origami pattern, a pattern that I worked on one of my previous expertise classes. It is manipulated it a way that it creates a closed space when opened and can be folded into a smaller structure.

Screenshot 2024-07-15 113831.pngScreenshot 2024-07-15 113831.png

2. Algorithm

The algorithm for this structure has started with a sphere. The sphere is cut by a plane to create a curve, and the curve is divided into smaller parts. The main curve is achieved by creating a line between to chosen points on this curve and given an angle, which is going to be the folding angle of the whole structure. By mirroring these lines, the main surface is created.


Rest of the structure is achieved by using the points on this main surface to create other folds and mirroring them, by a plane created with a vector between the center point of the sphere and mirror point so that the desired angle is achieved.

Another better way to achieve this would be using a formula to find the corresponding angle to the length of between two points of the main surface and use polar array with that angle but, I could not find the exact formula. :)


First, the quarter of the whole structure is created and joined and then it is simply mirrored in two ways. Multipipe capsule is used to create a structure through the edges.


3. Folding Movement

The folding movement can be achieved by changing the angle of the main curve.


4. Result

This structure can be used as an individual tent, or a shelter if improved more with the help of sandwich panels and structural solutions.




Ein Projekt von


International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Fredrik Skåtar

Zugehöriger Workspace

Form Workshop: Grasshopper


Sommersemester 2024

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