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Beyond Borders: Understanding the dynamics of migration, identity, and empathy.

Beyond Borders: Understanding the dynamics of migration, identity, and empathy.

The migration process is a personal analysis of identity and culture that leads them to decide what to leave behind and what to bring when embracing a new culture. Hence, it is important to acknowledge and address emotional issues to create a welcoming and supportive environment that allows immigrant students to succeed.



This thesis explores the transition and adaptation of Latin American students in Germany, to understand the complexities of this socio-cultural encounter that exemplifies the challenges and opportunities faced by any other international student in the 21st century. Moreover, It proposes a contribution from the field of design that seeks integration through empathy.

My purpose with this research is to understand, with real evidence, the difficulties of a human process, how it affects the evolution of our identity, and how the psychological well-being of migrants becomes crucial. The intersection of culture, identity, and the migratory experience presents numerous challenges and transformations that are aca- demically intriguing but also deeply personal.



For this thesis, the general framework will be the Double Diamond, which is generally employed in design thinking and innovation but can be effectively adapted to structure the development of a research project. The Double Diamond is built by four principal phases, each represented by a diamond shape (The Double Diamond - Design Council, n.d.).


The grounded theory approach. This approach is an inductive research method for discovering new theories. This allows me to create new theories by repeatedly collecting and analyzing real-world data. I begin with a broad concept, but it is the data that truly leads my way. As I uncover patterns, I build theories based on these findings (Glaser and Strauss, 1967).

With this approach I go through several iterations of this process, this flexibility ensures that my research stays grounded in the reality it seeks to understand. Applying the grounded theory approach to the Double Diamond framework, I will be able to develop a deeply rooted empirical data thesis project that offers a diverse understanding of the complex relationship between identity, migration, and empathy.


The study identifies the challenges international students face in Germany, such as bureaucratic hurdles, cultural shock, and emotional difficulties like homesickness and migratory grief. It also highlights the importance of empathy and the role of art in creating safe spaces for cultural expression and connection.

Through empirical research, including workshops and expert interviews, the thesis reveals insights into the psychological impacts of migration and strategies to cope with these challenges. The outcome of this research is a board game that simulates the stages of migration, incorporating elements of German culture, practical challenges, and emotional support. It encourages players to collaboratively overcome obstacles, fostering empathy and understanding among participants in an interactive and educational setting.


“Alles wird gut” In English: “Everything will be okay” is a board game designed to be a resource for international students, helping them navigate the complexities of migration. By contributing to the discourse on integration through experience design, this thesis offers valuable insights into how creative interventions can enhance well-being and integration.



The integration of Latin American students into German society, like that of any other international student, is a multifaceted process influenced by cultural, linguistic, and emotional challenges. This research shows that art and design can serve as effective tools to facilitate this integration process.

The board game developed as the outcome of this thesis offers an interactive and educational experience that simulates the stages of migration, mirroring the complexities of maintaining one’s cultural identity while integrating into a new environment. It encourages players to navigate through practical and emotional obstacles, fostering empathy and understanding among participants. Furthermore, the game’s design was inspired by the research findings, which underscore the importance of addressing both the practical and emotional aspects of migration.

In conclusion, the game provides insights into overcoming these challenges and encourages players to employ empathetic approaches and resources to support their mental well-being and integration.
