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Thornback – protective packaging

Thornback is a critical design packaging project that takes inspiration from thorns and spikes, defense mechanisms found in the animal and plant world. The project aims to explore the role of packaging in protecting and preserving the products contained within, as well as to challenge traditional notions of beauty and aesthetic appeal. The Thornback series includes three symbolizing high consumption products: a phone, a liquor bottle, and a pack of cigarettes. Each of these packaging designs incorporates sharp, jagged forms and a bold, black and white color scheme to evoke feelings of danger and protection, inviting the viewer to consider the relationships between form and function, and between nature and culture. Ultimately, Thornback aims to offer a new perspective on the role of packaging in contemporary society and to inspire viewers to think critically about their own relationships with the products they consume.

The Products

ALL Kopie 2.jpgALL Kopie 2.jpg
ALL Kopie.jpgALL Kopie.jpg
ALL Kopie 3.jpgALL Kopie 3.jpg


In the course, the topic was „HARDSHIP – The design of suffering and antifragile experiences“. In other words, it was about the targeted amplification of pain and suffering and the emphasis on antifragile systems. Products and applications were to be designed that move between art and design, more precisely in the area of Critical and Speculative Design.


My main problem in brainstorming was to find a motivation that would make users want to use my product. For this reason, I decided to redesign existing products that encourage people to buy for reasons such as consumerism or addiction. So the motivation to buy/use already exists.

Besides ideas to create a „pain game“ or to make psychic pain visible, finally the protective packaging had the most potential. The next step was to create a mood board to work out the aesthetics and create a basis for the design. In this, a wide variety of spines, barbs and thorns from nature were compiled.


Drafting Process & Parametric Design

Bildschirm­foto 2023-01-16 um 16.16.01.pngBildschirm­foto 2023-01-16 um 16.16.01.png
Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-07 um 12.40.06.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-07 um 12.40.06.png
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Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-07 um 12.41.07.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-07 um 12.41.07.png
Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-14 um 13.12.59.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-12-14 um 13.12.59.png

The shaping was worked out using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper 3D. First, the rough product shapes were designed and a Voronoi mesh was projected onto the surface of these shapes. The resulting polygon curves are now gradually reduced in size and extruded outward. From this approach, spines emerge that extend explosively outward from a defined center of each object.

The final renderings were created with the software Blender.


Naming & Logo


The name „Thornback“ was inspired by the Thornback ray, a species of ray with spines and on the back and tail. The logo for the brand is a simplified shape of this fish with a tail shaped like a spine, symbolizing the inspiration drawn from nature, where animals and plants use thorns as a defense mechanism.


Visual Identity


In the context of Critical Design, the graphic design only takes on a representative role here. The visual design of the graphic elements is therefore very reduced, but clear and full of contrast. The designs only use the colors black and white. The typography should be above all neutral and informative. The font used here is Aeonik. Each label consists of a large, easy-to-read product name (and the clock on the cell phone), a few product details and a warning, such as those found on conventional cigarette packs. In order to differentiate the label or the screen from the actual product, a strong white outline serves as a border. The white thorns that emerge from this also form a subtle reference to the concept and the actual idea.


Hardship-poster-Thornback-Martin-Naumann_white.pdf PDF Hardship-poster-Thornback-Martin-Naumann_white.pdf
Hardship-poster-Thornback-Martin-Naumann_black-web.pdf PDF Hardship-poster-Thornback-Martin-Naumann_black-web.pdf

World Cup 2022 Ball Design

It's not an actual packaging design, but on the occasion of the World Cup 2022 in Quatar I also designed a soccer ball with a spiky surface. Since this design has a different context, it stands alone and is not part of the series.

Ein Projekt von


Intermediales Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Prof. Alejandro Lecuna

Zugehöriger Workspace

Elective Module (MA). HARDSHIP. The design of suffering and antifragile experiences.


Wintersemester 2022 / 2023