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Brainfog: Shifting Perspectives

How could we bring & break out a person's stubbornness and get them to be more open, adaptive, and flexible?

Communication with the stubborn. Stubborn, strong-headed, and persistent people are hard to talk with.


Stubbornness : unreasonably or perversely unyielding (merriam-webster)

The essence of twisting aspects and mindset to make us feel

the sensuality of complexity on the whole game journey.

Final Cover v2.jpgFinal Cover v2.jpg

Brain-Fog: Shifting Perspectives

A debate game between two teams, each with two members. The teams gather around a table that is marked with their designated seat placements. They are given the same topic, but one team prepares arguments in support of it while the other team prepares arguments against it. The game's topic will be chosen from a card after flipping the sand timer, and both teams must discuss their stance on the topic internally without disclosing it until one side of the sand timer flows down completely.


The Rules

Each side completion of the sand timer needs to be followed by picking a power card. The game continues until six switches of the sand timer for the power cards. The power cards have different instructions:

Switch: If a teammate picks this card, the stances of both teams are switched.

1 Vs 3: If a teammate picks this card, that person moves to the other team and joins their stance.

Switch Teammate: If a teammate picks this card, that person switches seats with one person from the other team.

No Words: When picked, the debate needs to be carried only by expressing it, and no words can be used.

Audience: If a teammate picks this card, that person switches seats with one person from the audience.

Banish: When picked, a person can choose to banish a person from the other team from the game.


Back 2.pngBack 2.png
Topic 2.pngTopic 2.png

Screen Shot 2023-04-28 at 4.26.42 PM.pngScreen Shot 2023-04-28 at 4.26.42 PM.png

Game Explanations

Brain fog is a debate game between two teams, each with two members and at least one other member as an audience. The teams gather opposite to one another on a table and lay the side divider card in between.

The Topic deck is shuffled and a card is randomly chosen by someone voluntarily. Both the teams are given the same topic, but one team prepares arguments in support of it while the other team prepares against it. The teams set a timer and both teams discuss the topic. Each participant is given 20 seconds to say his views after that the one from the other team answers. This would go on for two rounds.

For example between teams T and P, player T1 makes an argument, P1 debates to it, then T2 debates it and P2 answers back and then the loop goes back to T1 and game goes on.

Before debating each player has to shuffle the power card deck and pull out one card and act as per the instructions.

The game's topic will be chosen from a card after flipping the timer, and both teams must discuss their stance on the topic internally without disclosing it until one side of the sand timer flows down completely.

Each side completion of the sand timer needs to be followed by picking a power card. The game continues until six switches of the sand timer for the power cards.

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A6 - 6.pngA6 - 6.png
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A6 - 4.pngA6 - 4.png

Understanding Stubbornness

Stubbornness is a common trait that can often lead to disagreements, conflicts, and missed opportunities. While being persistent and firm in one's beliefs can be a positive trait, it can also hinder growth, learning, and effective communication.

The game „Brain Fog“ is designed to help players overcome this trait by challenging them to stand firm in their beliefs while also being open to new ideas and perspectives. By engaging in debates with others who hold opposing views, players can learn to listen to others, think critically about their own beliefs, and find common ground.

Design Process

Brainstorm (1).pngBrainstorm (1).png
Brainstorm (1).jpgBrainstorm (1).jpg
Brainstorm (2).pngBrainstorm (2).png

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Design development

Screen Shot 2023-04-28 at 4.24.57 PM.pngScreen Shot 2023-04-28 at 4.24.57 PM.png was used to generate the above images.

Experimental tryout

Iteration 01 (2).jpgIteration 01 (2).jpg
Iteration 01 (1).jpgIteration 01 (1).jpg
Iteration (1).jpgIteration (1).jpg
Iteration (4).jpgIteration (4).jpg
Iteration (5).jpgIteration (5).jpg
Iteration (10).jpgIteration (10).jpg
Iteration (8).jpgIteration (8).jpg
Iteration (7).jpgIteration (7).jpg
Iteration (9).jpgIteration (9).jpg
Iteration (11).jpgIteration (11).jpg
Brainstorm (2).pngBrainstorm (2).png

Activating Superskills

Through gameplay, players also learn the importance of effective communication, persuasion, and negotiation. The power cards add an element of strategy to the game, encouraging players to think creatively and adapt their approach based on the situation.

Ultimately, „Brain Fog“ is a fun and engaging way to help players develop the skills they need to overcome stubbornness and engage in productive discussions with others. By learning to balance firmness with open-mindedness, players can improve their communication, relationships, and decision-making abilities both in and outside of the game.

1. Continuously flipping one's perspective will lead to a more well-rounded and adaptable mindset.

2. By re-routing one's frame of mind, attitude, and emotions, one will be able to approach situations in a more positive and constructive manner.

3. Communicating ideas effectively while remaining open-minded to change will lead to more productive discussions and better outcomes.

4. Breaking the ice among friends will alleviate tension and create an enjoyable atmosphere throughout the game.

5. Playing the game will enhance one's logical and critical thinking abilities.

6. Playing the game will increase mental awareness and sharpen cognitive skills.

7. The game will encourage players to think more disciplined and communicate with better manners and intentions.

8. Playing the game will allow players to experience diverse perspectives and engage with divergent minds.




International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Prof. Alejandro Lecuna

Zugehöriger Workspace

Hackathon: Superpowers for designers


Sommersemester 2023
