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Let‘s talk about movies — A survey

In this Expertise we experimented with different visualizations of data. The data I created was about the topic of movies. I asked about favorite genres, directors and fictional worlds.

The data

To have a solid base for the infographics, I created a poll on Google Forms. I asked the participants to answer the following questions:

  • What is favorite movie genre?
  • Which directors would you like to see collaborate?
  • Which world would you like to live in?

In addition to these warm-up topics, I asked „Rather…or?“ questions:

  • Rather see the murderer at the beginning OR have it a surprise at the end?
  • Rather watch a splatter movie OR don‘t want to see blood at all?
  • Rather swim in an underwater world OR explore space in a space ship?
  • Rather tell the story truthfully OR alter events for the screen?


The visualization

I decided to create a collage as it is really fitting for the movie genre with real live photos. To bring in a more personal touch and also to include the Storyboard character, I added little hand drawn elements.


The final posters

Julia_Floth_Movie_Poll_A3 and A2.pdf PDF Julia_Floth_Movie_Poll_A3 and A2.pdf

Ein Projekt von


International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Susan Baldermann

Zugehöriger Workspace

EXP 2: Statistic data but make it sexy


Sommersemester 2023
