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In this expertise on soft robotics, we explore the use of flexible materials for movement. We focus on planning and fabricating inflatable structures called soft robots, using air pressure to control their behavior.

Exploring Flexibility: Material choice and fabrication in soft robotics


Each team had the freedom to choose the material they wanted to work with for their soft robotics project. Whether it was transparent PE, fabric, or any other flexible material available. Once the material was selected, teams had access to various fabrication machines, such as 3D printers and laser cutters, to bring their designs to life.

With the chosen material and fabrication tools at our disposal, We embarked on the exciting phase of experimentation and implementation. We designed and planned our inflatable structures, carefully considering the desired movement, locomotion, and behaviors of our soft robots. Utilizing vector-editing software like Inventor, Illustrator, or similar tools, We created the necessary digital files for manufacturing.

Our process

Air inlet trials

In our process, we initially decided to work with a 3D printer for fabricating our soft robot. To determine the optimal air outlet opening, we conducted a series of trials, experimenting with different measurements to find the most suitable configuration. This allowed us to ensure efficient airflow and controlled inflation.


Origami shape

Once we had established the air outlet design, we proceeded to create an initial shape for our robot. The shape we aimed for was a hybrid between a hexagon and a starfish, combining the desired features of both structures. We carefully considered the dimensions and proportions, taking into account the intended movement and behavior of our soft robot. 

Afterward, we decided to incorporate a structure into our initial shape. We explored various methods using the 3D printer, experimenting with different settings. However, the results did not meet our expectations.  we shifted our focus to the laser machine and attempted different materials, but unfortunately, this approach also proved unsuccessful.


Worm shape

Adapting our strategy, we decided to modify the shape itself to observe its interaction. We experimented with a worm-like shape, aiming to study its movement characteristics. To further investigate the impact of air input on the movement, we introduced two separate air inputs, allowing us to observe and analyze how these adjustments influenced the robot's behavior.



Afterward, we decided to merge our experiments by combining the worm-like movement with our initial origami shape. To achieve this we added multiple layers in the shape of a hexagon and observed how the robot would inflate and move. Initially, we tested different setups with individual air inputs for each layer. However, to simplify the design and improve coordination, we consolidated the air inputs into a single input, connecting all the layers at the center. This modification resulted in a more synchronized and cohesive movement of the robot.


Final result

For our two final robots, we incorporated the successful outcomes of our experiments by welding the layers at the center. However, we wanted to enhance the movement capabilities of our design. To achieve this, we added new line forms to integrate additional features to facilitate folding movements. These lines provided a framework that guided and directed the motion of the robot, allowing for more control and precise movements. We wanted to get out from the 2-dimensional shape to a more 3-dimensional and organic shape, so we were able to achieve this by incorporating all our knowledge from the experiments we gained from the previous work.



International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Karsten Schuhl foto: Virginia Binsch

Zugehöriger Workspace

EXP II Soft Robotics SoSe23


Sommersemester 2023