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about reality & meaning – a visual narration

about reality & meaning – a visual narration

In this design theory course, I took a closer look at the book „Deviate“ by Beau Lotto. Especially the chapter „Information is Meaningless“ immediately caught my attention. My first reaction before reading it was.... HUH? How can information be meaningless? Isn't everything meaningless then? So I read this chapter carefully.

the reading part


The question that accompanied me while reading was: 

What can I, as a designer, contribute to Lottos text?

So while reading, I made many notes (and unfortunately splashed water all over them…). There were really a lot of interesting facts in this chapter and gradually I began to understand what Lotto meant by „information is meaningless“.

I would like to give you a brief summary of the chapter so that you understand roughly what I am talking about:

The whole chapter is basically about Lotto challenging our conventional notions of information and meaning and the way we perceive the world around us.

We, as readers, are encouraged to question the assumed significance of the data we encounter. Lotto suggests in a very playful and funny way that the true value lies not in the information itself, but in the way we interpret and apply it. He also invites the reader to embrace the idea that meaning is a construct of our own minds. By reshaping our perspectives, we can uncover profound insights hidden within the seemingly trivial.

In addition to the many interesting images Lotto uses to demonstrate his point, I actually thought of many images and metaphors while reading myself that could be used to further illustrate what he had written and maybe make it a tiny bit easier to grasp even. 

So I chose three theses that Lotto puts forward in the chapter and wrote a short text about each one, briefly summarising the thesis and explaining it in more deeply with a small image or metaphor i found. 

Let me show them to you.

#01 Some Other Kind Of Reality-TV aka. Why we don’t have access to reality.


That much being said about reality. I now want to move on, and talk about Meaning a little bit.

#02 The Stone's Whimsical Metamorphosis aka. Why information is meaningless.


Now we know that one thing can be interpreted in many different ways. But there is another shocking fact for you:

#03 The Meaning Bee-yond aka. Why meaning isn’t meaningless.


I know the input is very philosophic and kind of hard to grapple (even for me, and I wrote them…) but I hope I could give you a new perspective on human perception and meaning-making.

the essence of this (design-work-wise)

The baseline of this project for me was:

We designers have our own way of telling stories. Through storytelling and our own view on things, we can make problems and ideas approachable for other people, who otherwise wouldn't be able to understand or approach it at all. 

So we should be aware of the power we have through storytelling. 
And we should definetely use it consciously!

Thanks for taking a look and now have fun zapping reality TV.

Ein Projekt von


Intermediales Design

Art des Projekts

Keine Angabe


foto: Alberto Iberbuden

Zugehöriger Workspace

MA Design Theorie - Summer 2023


Sommersemester 2023

2 Kommentare

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Hey, das Projekt ist wirklich sehr sehr cool! Hättest du vielleicht Interesse, dass dein Projekt auf dem Instagram Kanal des Fachbereiches veröffentlicht wird?

Hey, your projects looks really really cool! Are you interested in publishing your project as a post on the official instagram acc of the design department?

lg anna, insta hiwi :D

Fantastic project Emily. Thank you so much