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Small cogwheel in a bigger machine - ELEMENTS

Small cogwheel in a bigger machine - ELEMENTS

In the second part of the Materials and Technology course, we developed, designed and produced a plug-in system. First we started with analogue drawings on paper. We then converted these into a two-dimensional element in Rhino, which was then transformed into a three-dimensional object.

We then combined this digitally and analouge to create a structure. We were not allowed to use any aids for the analogue implementation. The structure was only to be held together by interlocking the individual parts.


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I first collected ideas for a 4-slot plug-in system (image 1, image 2, image 3, image 6). During my sketching, I then moved on to a 3-slot plug-in system (image 4, image 5, image 6).

In the end, I decided to realise the cogwheel design (picture 6).


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When transferring my final drawing, I encountered difficulties due to the 3 plug-in options. I first had to familiarise myself with the Rotate, ArrayPolar and Copy commands, as these often produced the opposite of my actual goal.

After two hours of work, I then had a functioning 2-dimensional element.


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After assembling eight objects with Orient3pt, I realized that creating a functioning structure in Rhino was impossible due to the lack of tension forces that analogously hold objects together.



As the laser gets progressively weaker towards the bottom right when working, I had to use a scalpel to remove some of the MDF pieces from the previously planned gaps. I also used sandpaper to remove the uneven areas at the joints/junction points/joints so that the affected plug-in parts would still fit together.


To summarise, I can say that I really enjoyed the process. I was interested in getting to know Rhino as a new programme and seeing the way the files were prepared for lasering. The exercises leading up to the task were also instructive and could help me at a later stage.


SoSe24_B1_T02_Reisewitz.pdf PDF SoSe24_B1_T02_Reisewitz.pdf

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foto: Fredrik Skåtar foto: Prof. Dr. Manuel Kretzer

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