Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Hochschule Anhalt Fachbereich Design

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Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Hochschule Anhalt Fachbereich Design mehr erfahren


Your friendship garden - A botanically inspired tool, to take care of your friends as if they're plants! Friendships are just like plants; they need care and attention to grow strong. This app is designed to help busy people take care of their relationships.

Buds helps busy people stay connected with their friends. 
We understand that life gets in the way of what really matters, and that it can be difficult to keep in touch with your loved ones.

Now imagine your friends as plants: some require more care, like flowers that need constant watering, while others need only occasional watering to stay strong, like cacti. 
What kind of garden do you have?


Wilting relationships

In „Buds,“ the wilting part of the app signifies when a friendship is not receiving enough attention. Just like a neglected plant, a friend’s representation in the app will begin to wilt if not properly nurtured. This visual cue serves as a reminder to reach out and reconnect, encouraging users to maintain regular interactions and keep their „friendship garden“ thriving and healthy.

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Variety of different friendships

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Some friendships, like orchids, require a lot more attention and care. Maybe you have friends like these, who you need to check in with, more often, while others, like succulents or cacti, don't require such frequent care.

Healthy friendships

Just as plants bloom beautifully when given proper care, friendships also flourish with attention and nurturing. By regularly reaching out and maintaining connections, you can see your relationships thrive and grow stronger. The time and effort you invest in your friends, much like watering and tending to a plant, lead to vibrant and blossoming bonds.

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Friendships can die


All plants will have a healthy default state, and multiple warning statuses for you to understand their health level.


The app

This app lets you visualize your friendship garden by customizing each friend’s representation through different planters and plant types. You can personalize the type of plant that best symbolizes each friendship. 

Additionally, the app provides reminders to check in with your friends and offers suggestions on how to reconnect, ensuring your relationships remain strong and vibrant. Through these features, the app helps you cultivate and maintain your social connections with care and attention.

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Adding a new friend

The app will guide you through a simple process to understand the type of friend you have, by asking you questions about the relationship you have and how often you would like to stay in touch with them.

By setting up your own friendship goals, the reminders can always be as frequent as you want them to be.

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Design process

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buds aims to tackle the rising issue of loneliness in our hyper-connected yet often isolating digital world. With the growth of social media, genuine connections can still be hard to maintain. This app visualizes your friendships as a garden to help you reconnect, especially with long-distance friends, fostering deeper and more meaningful relationships.

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Ein Projekt von


International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Mauricio Sosa Noreña

Zugehöriger Workspace

EM - Botanical exploration for design projects


Sommersemester 2024

2 Kommentare

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I love this so much Lily 😍!!!

great project!