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EM - Botanical exploration for design projects

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“In a world in which we tend to draw a very defined line between sciences and arts, between what is subjective and what is objective, Humboldt’s analysis that we can only truly understand nature if we use our imagination, makes him a visionary” - Wulf, Andrea (2017)

This Elective Module seeks to be a space to explore, understand and learn to observe nature (or plants in particular), thus making it possible for students to experiment with the results of their own observations and analysis.

It is a course that transcends scientific illustration (although, there will be some illustration happening!), and promotes conscious observation of plants, their structure, functions, and the relation with their environment, as a source of inspiration for designers, and as a starting point for new design projects, which seek to connect each student’s profile and interest with basic principles of botany, to generate a unique result, which could be:

  • Textile and fashion design
  • Graphic and editorial design
  • Information / Infographics design
  • Product design
  • Service design

Why Botany?

Plants are one of the most evident (and, for us, accessible) examples of “design” in nature. Their singularities, evolution and adaptation to different environments could be comparable to the resolution of a design problem.

Furthermore, the history and methods of Botany as a scientific discipline, from the beginnings of taxonomic classification, botanical expeditions of the 18th and 19th century, to today’s study and “design” of new plants in laboratories, can allow us to have new ways of observing and working for our own design projects.

Besides, just as life, design is also multidisciplinary. Integrating and learning from disciplines external to design, can have a great impact in our projects and helps us achieve new, innovative results.

How will it be structured?

Beginning with theory and exercises based on the Naturstudium, with which we will explore different botanical illustration techniques, and will strengthen our conscious observation abilities, understanding, shape, form, function, and colour, we’ll do our own field trips to discover Dessau’s own natural richness (depending on the weather).

Then, based on each student’s observations and their own profile/interests, we will apply these skills to a diversity of projects, from different design disciplines:  For your final project you could create your own desired plants, create patterns, garments, typography, objects, furniture, products or even infographics.

Final projects will be a coherent line of results. You will document your processes and present them at the end of the semester.


  • Sketchbook (for mixed media). Not only for illustration, but also for the documentation of your projects (sketches, notes, moodboards, collage, etc.)

  • Drawing materials: Whatever you have at hand, or your favourite media, like pencils and colour pencils, watercolours, gouache, brushes, ink (pigment) liners, acrylics, inks, markers, collage, etc.

  • Computer with your to-go software for design (Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.)

  • Digital camera (the one on your mobile phone works just fine)


Integriertes Design

Wahl-Modul Kommunikation, Information, Orientierung

International Integrated Design

Elective Module 2d Communication, Information, Orientation


Sommersemester 2024


Dienstag, 10:00 – 14:00

Erster Termin



Entwurf/Beleg, Experimentelle Arbeit, Projekt, Präsentation


