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Timeless: A Metaphysical concept of the timeless existence of nature

Timeless: A Metaphysical concept of the timeless existence of nature


An experimental philosophical exploration of nature through Botanical Design, by creating photo grams and analog photo prints


Nature deeply affects every person. Its vastness, beauty, and order make us wonder if a higher power is responsible for such harmony, at least once in our lives. This might be why we often seek refuge in nature to escape the routine of our mechanical lives. In this series, I aim to show the presence of a higher power through nature and highlight the strong connection and impact Mother Nature has on humans. Nature exists to support human survival.


Emanuele Coccia,

The life of plants: A metaphysics of mixture

In contrast to trends of thought that discuss nature and the cosmos in general terms, Coccia's account brings the infinitely small together with the infinitely big, offering a radical redefinition of the place of humanity within the realm of life.



The narrative focuses on the metaphysical concept of the timeless existence of nature on planet Earth: that nature existed before humans and will remain even after.

Connecting with the subject “Botanical Exploration of Design,” I used plants as representatives of nature to create an experimental analog photo series for the magazine “Emergence,” which shares stories that explore the timeless connections between ecology, culture, and spirituality.

Method and Technique

Using the earlier image-creating methods of photogram and analog photo print connects the narrative of “timeless” with the execution. When looking at the images, one cannot predict the time and space of the existence of the plants.

The plants used were collected during a walk in nature and from the backyard.


Final Results

final image 1.jpgfinal image 1.jpg
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final image 7.jpgfinal image 7.jpg


In “Urdu” language its say that,“وہ کون سئ جگہ ہے جہان تو نا ہو” as a contextual translation in English it means, “ What place is that, where you do not prevail.” I also have a very personal perspective to this project which is that: we can find nature or plants everywhere, which gives me a proof of existence of a higher power behind all of this.


Ein Projekt von


International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Mauricio Sosa Noreña

Zugehöriger Workspace

EM - Botanical exploration for design projects


Sommersemester 2024

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