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EXP 1 - „WE“, a co/lab for editorial illustration

nur für Incom-Mitglieder

Sometimes we are confronted with a big question: “who are WE?” But the question is not new. Self-knowledge has been a goal for many philosophers, monks, psychologists, etc. It can be seen from many angles because we're also not just one, we're a multitude in ourselves, we have our essence, but we show it in many different ways. In our case, this question seems to have an even greater relevance as we are part of a multidisciplinary, multicultural, and diverse programme. Who WE are as individuals enriches who WE are as a group, it adds to the group's uniqueness.

In this illustration collaboratory/workshop, we will start by defining a common topic we want to develop as a group. It is advised to bring ideas of topics you would be interested in, which could serve as a common ground for exploratory illustration. The topics could be as deep or as mundane as you want. From philosophy to cooking, everything can be a good topic.

After we've decided on our topic, each student will work on their individual interpretation of it. We'll do some research on the topic and conceptualisation exercises, to then start creating the illustrations (and also texts, if desired) that will reflect our point of view.

These illustrations will then be compiled and printed as a fanzine, in which all the different interpretations, the multitude of creative ideas and unique illustration styles, will come together to show the WE that we are.

For this laboratory, we won't be working with one specific technique. Beyond focusing on a technique, the goal is to develop better ideation skills. From watercolours, coloured pencils, markers, gouache, ink, and charcoal, all the way to linoleum carving, embroidery, collage, and digital painting, in our lab, images can be created in many ways. So you can bring any materials you prefer. Also, if you want to explore new techniques, this is the place for experimenting and learning new possibilities.


For this lab, you will need a sketchbook for your process, mood boards, notes and initial ideas. You may also bring the materials you would need to work on the technique of your choice. It's also recommended to have a computer with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.


We'll start on Monday 24.04.2023 at 10:00 and we'll then discuss the schedule for the remaining days.

Also, feel free to drop me a line with your questions at:


Intermediales Design

Expertise-Modul Professionalizing

International Integrated Design

Expertise Module Professionalizing


Sommersemester 2023

Erster Termin



Entwurf/Beleg, Projekt, Präsentation, Experimentelle Arbeit



Abgabe Dokumentation





