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EM Film »Visual narratives from the I«
Elective Module 4d Interaction, Installation and Moved Image

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“We are the result of the stories we tell ourselves… about our own selves.„

This class is conceived to approach film as a medium to project the inner monologue into images. Film can act as a mirror providing us audio-visual intimacy in order to dive into what constitutes us. It can help us out reaching a better understanding of the reflective process we experience within.

As a result we end up telling our own the true lie of our own endemic narratives, events that establish who we think we are; an “auto-fiction„. Our thoughts, doubts, impulses, senses and actions determine us… and all of this is experienced through the self. In order to cope artistically with the inner voice, the idea of the project is to externalize it by using voice-over as a narration method paired with moving, or not, images.

Students will investigate in form of a short film, the usage of both objective and subjective story telling, as well as the principles of developing and adapting a script for it. We will explore the essentials of essay film throughout topics such as philosophy, psychology, poetry and history.

Students will be encourage to work in groups, since cinema is mostly achieved by a common endeavor.

During every class we will watch a film and/or artistic works exploring this type of narrative.

“Cinema is a representation of who we are, a constructed canvas where we project the result of our own narratives.„

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International Integrated Design

Elective Module 4d Interaction, Installation and Moved Image


Wintersemester 2023 / 2024


Montag, 10:00 – 18:00


Experimentelle Arbeit, Präsentation

Short film.



Abgabe Dokumentation





