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Expertise II - Kinetic Origiami Structures - Winter 23/24

nur für Incom-Mitglieder

A 5 Day dive into the dynamic world of kinetic origami. Throughout the week we will embark on a journey from understanding principles of origami to exploring their advanced use for mechanics of kinetic structures and surfaces and how a moving/movable three dimensional structure can stem from a flat piece of material.

Explore how a simple sheet can be transformed into a moving design, embodying both form and function. With a blend of theoretical insights, hands-on sessions, software-based design, and (group) projects, we will gain both the knowledge and practical experience to design and create kinetic origami-based structures. We will work with vector-based softwares (Rhino, Illustrator, Inkscape, AutoCAD or similar) in combination with pen-plotters and laser engraving/cutting machines to realise designs.

Beyond the folds and creases, this workshop offers a window into real-world applications, drawing connections between and inspiration from origami, engineering, architecture, and design. We’ll analyse real-life examples, and create projects that challenge the boundaries of traditional origami.

By the end of the week, we will not only have a deeper appreciation for the art and science of origami but also a piece or experimental series showcasing their innovative designs in kinetic origami.


International Integrated Design

Expertise Module Workshop


Wintersemester 2023 / 2024


Blockseminar, 10:00 – 17:30

Erster Termin



Projekt, Präsentation



Abgabe Dokumentation





Geb. M, 102-104, Materiability Lab
