Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Hochschule Anhalt Fachbereich Design

In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Hochschule Anhalt Fachbereich Design mehr erfahren

KEX – Künstlerisch-Experimentelle Grundlagen der Gestaltung

nur für Incom-Mitglieder

Here you can access all the information regarding our course. Whenever you have a doubt on how something works, please refer to this page.

(I know this is a lot to process but we will take it slowly and make sure no one is left behind.)


Basic knowledge and tools aimed at developing a personal artistic practice and critical mind.

Besides assimilating new knowledge and improving skills, the goal of this semester is to support and challenge students in their learning and experimentation processes in the new digital environment. Students will develop their artistic integrity and self-confidence through free experimentation and exploration of their own creative potential.

We will work on a variety of assignments designed for that matter, alternating between brief theoretical presentations and short (1–2 week) assignments for most of the semester. We will wrap up the semester with a final, longer assignment (approx. 3–4 weeks).

The short assignments are designed to introduce experimental and fun approaches to artistic and design practise. Whilst experimenting with the materials, technologies and media at hand, the students are encouraged to overcome the “fear of doing” and the creative block, developing their own perspectives and approaches.

Alongside the scheduled classes, extra feedback hours and email support provided by the teacher, the assignments should be developed through research, experimentation and self-directed learning. Students will also be encouraged to nurture a culture of exchange and feedback, helping each other developing their ideas and projects, as well as their own personal vocabulary and voice.


I will develop and adapt a series of assignments/projects that fit the digital learning environment. All assignments/projects will be posted to the main board of our course workspace in the Incom. I will make sure that objectives, expectations and timelines for each assignment/project are clear and reasonable. Make sure to frequently check your emails/notifications so you have time to reach me with any questions and comments you may have.


1. Regular class

Our class is scheduled for Fridays, 10–11.30 and 12.30–14.00. We will use this time in different combinations of “live” online and offline teaching/work. An example of a class could be: starting with a “live” class intro and discussion, development of assignment offline, “live” class meeting to present and discuss results. For our classes we will use Zoom.

2. Feedback hours

The feedback hours are the scheduled extra class hours, when I will be available to communicate with you and give feedback on the development of your work. It will be every Wednesday from 9–11.30am and by appointment. To make an appointment, send an email to or a message in the Incom, until Tuesday, 23.00pm. For the feedback meetings we will use Zoom.

3. Email/message support

Besides the aforementioned options, I will be available by email or message, daily, from 10am–18pm. I will do my best to answer your questions in the shortest time possible during this period. For this type of support, message me through our Slack channel (for a faster response) or via email


Submissions of completed or work-in-progress work should be made either through:

Each briefing will have the information on how to submit the results of the assignment.


1. Feedback on your work

I will give you feedback and mentoring on your work in progress and completed assignments via email, Slack and during feedback hours. For a good outcome of this class, please make sure to engage on a conversation with me, by responding to my feedback with your own questions and comments. For us to be successful in the new learning environment, students need to make sure they are engaged in the course, and ask questions as much as they would in the classroom.

2. Course discussion and dialogue

For general course discussion there is a Slack channel where you can post all your questions. You can also see if other students have already asked any questions that are of interest to you. You can access it here or via our Slack group.

3. Emergencies

If you have an emergency you can email me directly at Put the word EMERGENCY in the subject line.


Whatever happens that might affect your participation in class or your ability to deliver an assignment, please keep me informed. I need to know what is going on with you just like if we were in the classroom so I can do my best to support you through the semester. Communication is specially important during this time, when we are all adapting to the new distance learning classroom.


Integriertes Design

Grundlagen-Modul 7 Bildnerisches Gestalten


Sommersemester 2020


Freitag, 10:00 – 14:00

