Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Hochschule Anhalt Fachbereich Design

In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Hochschule Anhalt Fachbereich Design mehr erfahren

Power of machine learning in Design

In this Project I tried to answer the question of how the work of a Designer would look like if Artificial intelligence became the Expert of this field. To create visuals that are code and parametric based I worked with the program Touch-designer. Touch designer is a program which is based on numbers and values, which is very similar of how a Computer thinks. Moreover, I worked on a Text, which took a lot of Research as well as reading of the Book „Künstliche Intelligenz un der Sinn des Lebend „ von Richard David Precht to create a text that is very Philosophical. To make the viewer more connected with the idea of AI I used the text to speech program wideo.

Touch-designer as a Program can be described as a Visual synthesizer and to bring this also in connection I worked on a song with only analog synthesizer sounds to create a contrast to the digital World.

The Thesis of this project is that if Artificial intelligence can decide more and more Independently we lose a lot of freedom in our creative work.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.21.27.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.21.27.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.21.52.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.21.52.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.20.50.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.20.50.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.18.37.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.18.37.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.24.12.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.24.12.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.22.46.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.22.46.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.23.12.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-27 um 05.23.12.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-30 um 14.45.16.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-30 um 14.45.16.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-30 um 15.13.52.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-30 um 15.13.52.png
Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-30 um 15.16.35.pngBildschirmfoto 2021-01-30 um 15.16.35.png

Ein Projekt von


Integriertes Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im zweiten Studienabschnitt


foto: Rochus Hartmann

Zugehöriger Workspace

WM Designing the Future of Design. Minidoku, Design und artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, deep fake


Wintersemester 2020 / 2021
