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Botanical Illustration - Sundew

The sundew is an impressive plant. Not only is it one of the few European carnivorous plants, it also looks very special, a bit like an alien. Nevertheless, it is very discreet and hard to notice.

The main idea is to combine a realistic illustration of the plants with abstract geometric elements. These highlight the sundew and make it stand out. Also, they give the scenery a special, unique look. This is underlined by an intense light setting.


The graphic was applied to a whiskey, because some of them have a peaty taste. Peat is the soil in bogs, the habitat of the sundew. Thus, the sundew illustrates the flavor of the whiskey. A funny twist is that here, compared to the illustration, the sundew is hidden behind the rectangle.


A few WIP insights. The mood board, exercises with watercolor, hatching and drawing without looking. The sundew sketches for the 3d model and some Blender impressions. The first renderings also had some problems with invisible objects.

Screenshot 2022-04-28 021302.jpgScreenshot 2022-04-28 021302.jpg

Ein Projekt von


International Integrated Design

Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im Masterstudium


foto: Mauricio Sosa Noreña

Zugehöriger Workspace

EXP 1 - Botanical Illustration for Graphic Product


Sommersemester 2022